Friday, December 19, 2008

birthday present

well .... pagi tadi...i wasnt feeling so well i decided to skip my class today ..
as i was relaxing in my room..i got a msg from college mate...
saying that UNIMAS has arranged a meeting for our course to inform that we're going to be transferred there for us to finish our diploma..

so i was like WTF? im not going to UNIMAS...its like entah ceruk mana ntah kat KOTA SEMANTAN sarawak... So after a MU persuade me to go attend the meeting..i decided to go have a look myself.

so dengan selsema ngan batok ..badan letih lesu ..pergi la berentap dekat jalan raya..nak pergi ke kolej..

FYI i commute from shah alam to KL from monday to friday ... 80kms pergi balek...
sampai2 kolej...makan jap..
then attended the meeting la...

after a little while in that meeting... i tgk macam ni bukan meeting informing about us being transfered..
ni meeting diorang nak promote their University ...
cilaka btol

in the end i was fooled by my fellow college mates ...especially aizat... the main culprit..
he insisted Mu to text me and said that we're being transfered...and he knew that would make me go to college ASAP ..

kongaja.... after i found out...Aizat was laughing his ass off...
well ... me being a gud sport...laughed as i thot it was quite hillarious.. but agak memenatkan la...

so lepas ni Jat.. aku tak percaya da kata kata ko.
penipu ... kalau umah aku dekat takpe..
babiiiiiiiii ...

hahaha ..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha klakar dow bace blog ko ni..
rase nk gelak setan je..
haha~lain kali jgn caye ckp aku dow..
tp percaya la tu la last aku tipu..
pasni xde dh..