that day was andy's convocation day for his degree in quantity surveying and also it was sarah's 6th bday.
andy's convo was held in the morning as sarah's bday party started later that day.
mak,apak and i arrived at the Kuala lumpur Convention Centre at around 10.45 am.jumpa andy and then went to their photo hall and took the photo thingy where andy holds up an empty scroll and smiles for the double-chinned photographer.
well after all that was done we proceeded to the hall where all the grads will receive their degrees with honours.
Andy received his degree and also got the prize for best overall improvement in his class. congrats to him! im sure apak and mak is very happy for u.
mak and apak pon tak sangka andy dapat that prize.. haha ... melompat-lompat diorang(dalam hati) hehe well after all of that is done was off to my place for sarah's bday .. mase tu still early.. masih dalam preparation... macam2 ada. ade catering.ade clown. belon2.goodie bags. and friends. haha .. alot of fun for a six year old i bet.
all in all sarah had a nice bday party and sure ly she had fun coz...she was all tired after her party.. happy bday sarah... dah besar dah ... stop screaming... lesen menjerit sarah da expired. hehehe.