yesterday , mama bawak izzat, sarah and i pergi brunch dekat this placed called La Bodega, sumwhere in Bangsar
no idea why they call the place that... maybe its their motto to 'bodeg' as much cash they can out of our pockets whenever we eat there.
the food's nice.
had a BIG breakfast at 12.30 in the afternoon...
after that ..
mama brought us to midvalley ..
but we parked at the gardens.
coz kitorang nak bli T-shirts baru...
as most mine are getting worn out.
hehehe ...
mengepau time.
pergi FOS...rembat semua baju size M...apa2 tshirt size M je rembat..!
the tshirts were cool.
but didnt come in all sizes..
so u have to be quick.
it is FOS btw.
in the end aku dapat la sebat dalam....1,2,3,4.... maybe 5 tshirts? ... cukop la tu..
hehe ..
and izzat macam in a rampage...brape banyak tshirt dia ambik..
more than me..
aku ambek baju dari almari ko..
tak jumpe lagi la..
lepas da puas memboroskan diri dekat FOS ..
kitorang hantar si kenit Sarah ke Megakids.
she loves that place. they got this playground and all that kiddy stuff.
melompat2 dia dapat tau kitorang nak hantar dia pi sana..
well lepas hantar Sarah kat sane..
mama wanted to go try the fish spa at this place called Kenko.
i pon pitch in lah..
30 mins of fish-biting mayhem.
but it was kool..
mase first2 aku masuk the pool where the fish was a lil bit bigger..
then mama macam "Masuk pool tu ke???!! besar la ikan dia."
then she went to the pool where the fish were smaller.
and fyi .. that pool was the display kira..
if u use that pool... the people outisde of the place can see ... our legs. being bitten.
cool way of advertising i guess.
the feeling when all those fish were munching away on ur dead skin is like if u like have the 'semut-semut' feeling u know.
plus it was ticklish..
took a while to get use to.
about 15mins into my session
there this group of soft guys like giggling when they put their feet in the pool
"oh geli la...huauuahuahua....eeEeEEE!! "
sape suro try kalau tau u can't handle a little tickle.
all of us went to haagen dazs..
family favourite.
had the cookie crunch.
u guys should try.
reccomend it.
by the time we got there.
most of us were pretty much exhausted.
sarah was getting cranky...
so after the we had our ice cream.
we went home. tired.
slept half way thru the journey..
hope there'll be more outings with mama.
so dapat pau lagi.
im a jerk.i noe.