Tuesday, December 30, 2008

tag lagi.......

1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
mmmm...good friends.

2. Your 1 impressions towards him/her.
akak angkat si lahh ke.

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
bg i tali hphone jenama cherubic hon. da hilang da.sobs

4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?

5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
wo wo wo wo.... excited lah.

6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
bergado la ape lg.

7. If he/she become your lover, he has to improve on his/her
errr........ self-confidence.

8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
most desirable thing to do ON her? trick question ke apa ni.

10. The overall impression of him/her is...
funny and nice. =]

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
i don't know. because i don't know this 'you' fella.

12. The character of you for yourself is?

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?

15. For the people who likes you, say something about them.
i like you more.

16. 9 people to tag
-nasyer ottz!
-azt raus
-adillah a. nordin

17. who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
mane la aku nak tau ... ngah ngan sape skarang eh?

18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?

19. If no. 7 and no. 9 were together, would it be a good thing?
it makes no sense.

20. How about no. 5 and 8?
same answer as no.19

21. What is no. 1 studying about?
accountancy ... but she prefers graphic design more.

22. Is no. 4 single?
married ok.

23. Say something about no. 6
ouh wahai mereka yang membaca blog ini.....comment lah.

P/s: thanks fer d tag syda...xoxo <3>

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Thnks syda fer d tag, <3
1. Fun
2. independent
3. acceptable inside and out
4. pretty
5. Understanding
6. Caring

1. Jessica Alba
2. Mila Kunis
3. Misa Campo

*im awful with names....susah nak igt =]


1. awkward
2. butterflies in d stomach
3. Gagap? a lil..
4. Tak leh nak be urself..
5. *hope she's enjoying herself

1. ntah la...never thot of any where.

1. cincin
2. bracelet
3. handbag
4. purse
5. watch
6. plushies
7. the world?

1. tak hanya diam
2. aurora
3. kau yang punya
4. i will always love u
5. negaraku
6.baba black sheep
7. lagu ABC
*takde idea dah.


# 2

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
i was 9 years old. standard 3 ...sooo ... i was at brunei .... sitting at home .... watching a sitcom called 'wishbone'

2. What are 5 things on your to-do list today

3. Snacks you like

4. Places you have lived
brunei, melaka , Sri Petaling , Kota Kemuning

5. Things you would do if you were a billionnaire

-help health and peace organization. (i would realli love dat)
- all the luxuries i can think of
- bina masjid.
- bawak family jalan2...
- help the poor

6. People you want to know more about

# 3

1. Do you think you're hot?
no. im casual

2. Upload your favourite picture of you!

3. Why do you like that picture?
tah ...cam ramai je comment gambar tu..hehe =]

4. When is your last time you ate pizza?
woah pizza ka? ? tah la .... last time i can remeber is masa time puasa... buka puasa kat rumah with andy zul and my other sibs.

5. The last song you listened to?
lucky - jazon mraz & colby kalet(tah cemane eja nama pompuan ni)

6. What are you doing rite now beside this?
YM using my mail...babi ymku rosak!.

People I tag.
i would of tagged syda... but she tagged me first... heh =]

8. Who is number 1?
junior ku dlu di skolah

9. Say something about number 5:
sape number 5?.

10. How about number 4?
number 4 sape...?

11. Who is number 2?
weh.... aku tag sorang je la bodo

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

sworn to secrecy

there's a lot of stuff that i would like to share with someone...
but there's always sumthing that holds me back from doing it.

i guess im just naturally secretive. but what's pathetic is i expect them to know what i think.
that never happens.trying to come up with the right words is to say it is never easy for me. im always paranoid of wat people might think about me if i ever said anything that's out of the blue.but i try not to make them think that i care about those stuff..but honestly i do...about some stuff... not really about everything.

i admire people who tells their deepest feeling or thoughts to sumone, doesn't matter for the sake of love,friendship or clearing the air. it takes guts. sumthing i don't have a great deal of.some might refer it to one's ego.maybe it is.maybe it's not.what it is, i don't know for sure. but what's certain that thing lingers in me every now and then..

it's disturbing being who i am. but i am wat i am. accept it and get along with it. but i'm trying to be a little more open about myself to others nowadays...baby steps some people might call it.being able to say what lies in the deepest depths of my being.

that day will come sooner or later. for now i'm
sworn to secrecy.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


i hate assignments...
they tend to squeeze the living daylights out of u ..
and their deadlines are inconsiderate.
"ok, assignment ni saya nak awak hantar minggu depan"
and the assignment is like 30 pages of god knows wat and nobody has a clue wat to do..

now im stuck with 6 assignments due within the next 3 weeks ...
a quiz tomorrow at 9.30am
a presentation on Wednesday , plus i have to submit an assignment on the same day
i have to finish the other assignments by next week..that i haven't looked thru yet
and a couple more tests to go..

idiotic nonsense.
you have all the time in the world....and then u waste it..
and this is wat happens..
not just my fault..
its the those lecturers fault too ..
always cancelling classes..
ergghh ...

Sunday, December 21, 2008


ok guys and gals ..
just want to promote a boutique of a friend of mine
the place is called o six nine ...
they have loads of stuff for sale..
lagi2 year end ni ...
reasonable price too .. =]
their t-shirts are nice.
u guys shuld go check it out!

Friday, December 19, 2008

birthday present

well .... pagi tadi...i wasnt feeling so well ..so i decided to skip my class today ..
as i was relaxing in my room..i got a msg from MU...my college mate...
saying that UNIMAS has arranged a meeting for our course to inform that we're going to be transferred there for us to finish our diploma..

so i was like WTF? im not going to UNIMAS...its like entah ceruk mana ntah kat KOTA SEMANTAN sarawak... So after a MU persuade me to go attend the meeting..i decided to go have a look myself.

so dengan selsema ngan batok ..badan letih lesu ..pergi la berentap dekat jalan raya..nak pergi ke kolej..

FYI i commute from shah alam to KL from monday to friday ... 80kms pergi balek...
sampai2 kolej...makan jap..
then attended the meeting la...

after a little while in that meeting... i tgk macam ni bukan meeting informing about us being transfered..
ni meeting diorang nak promote their University ...
cilaka btol

in the end i was fooled by my fellow college mates ...especially aizat... the main culprit..
he insisted Mu to text me and said that we're being transfered...and he knew that would make me go to college ASAP ..

kongaja.... after i found out...Aizat was laughing his ass off...
well ... me being a gud sport...laughed as well...as i thot it was quite hillarious.. but agak memenatkan la...

so lepas ni Jat.. aku tak percaya da kata kata ko.
penipu ... kalau umah aku dekat takpe..
babiiiiiiiii ...

hahaha ..

happy birthday to me.... =]

thanks for all the wishes..
love u guys!!
nak present..
hahaha ..

sapa yang tak wish aku tu memang aku taknak kawan ngan ko sampai bebila..

hehehe ..takde lah .. joke2 ...


tido time..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

naan taj mahal.

tadi pergi makan kat ada satu kedai ni kat taman tun..
mosin's the name of the mamak..
lepak ngan mo and arul.
wasnt feeling too gud today so just ordered air suam..

tetibe lapar lak. so tanya la mo sebab dia slalu datang kedai ni.

aku: mo....makan ape sedap kat sini ah
mo: ko try ni ah...nan taj mahal sedap do...dalam nan tu ada ayam tandoori pastu kat atas nan tu dia wat cam piza2...
aku: macam mahal je.
mo: rm8 kot.

so i pon bedal je la...
borak2... then sampai the nan..
it was gud...
memang sedap..sampai keimanan arul tercabar masa tgk aku makan nan tu.
lepas da kenyang.
terasa nak balik...

so suro mapley tu kira.

mapley: teh o suam 3 nan taj mahal satu.... wuna renda muna....... ampat belas ringgit la bos.

aku pon bayar...using the last of my 50 ringgit note in my wallet.
then...aku cam terfikr.. takkan teh o suam 2 inggit. kepale hotak dia.

aku: Mo ... teh o suam dia 2 inggit ke?!
Mo: tak ah..80 sen je la.
aku: abes tu apesal bill aku 14 inggit. kata nan tu 8 inggit.
Mo: ntah la..selalu aku datang sini makan nan tu bila mak aku ada..so mak aku yang bayar.. aku taktau brape the actual price.
aku: terima kaseh la mo. abes duit aku.... cilake... kata 8 ringgit!

si Mo pon hanya mampu gelak je. ngok punye budak.

so last2.... dalam walletku...tinggal 36 ringgit.... for me to spend sampai friday... the only time i can withdraw extra money..

hahaha .. so lepas ni ... duk umah...
duit takdak suda.

my room.

hello ..
well today im just giving u a tour around my room .
nothing much..
big enough to fit the stuff i need. and not too sma
ll to make u claustorphobic(wonder if i spelled it right)

this is the place where i spend most of my time when im at home. duhhh...
here are some of the pics i took earlier.

my room

katilku...tilam baru yes...
no magic happening here tho.haha

my magnet board. tak banyak fungsi pon hehe ..
kenangang2 time skolah.
my work station

Sunday, December 14, 2008

2-2 ?♦

liverpool dropped 2 more points witha frustrating 2-2 draw against hull city ..
thanks to Carra's own goal la..
setan betul.

the only consolation of the night was Arsenal as well as Man u games both ended with a draw.

oooOoOOO ... .Mo ko hantar voiceSMS to me... laughing ur ass off when liverpool got the draw...

well here's from me u retard.


Busuk Ah Man U!!
da la ronaldo main koto.Hmmphh!

Friday, December 12, 2008


be not afraid of greatness,
some are born great,
some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them.

our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Liverpool 3 - 1 PSV

honestly, i didnt watched the game...wanted to but they didnt broadcast it live this morning.

but liverpool showed off their european title credentials with 3-1 win against PSV.

credits to ngog , riera and babel..the scorers.

hope their gud run continues so some silverware can be won this season.

you'll never walk alone...

Body of lies

Watched the movie at OU...
i'd say its not a bad movie to watch...
tho i don't recommend it to anyone.
it bore the hell out of my brother. hehe ..
well ...this movie suits people who have interests in espionage , deception , trust and an unrivaled obsession with Leonardo DiCaprio and not to forget...lies...hence the name of course.
one character to look out for in this movie is Hani Salaam ..
he's a cool headed Jordanian secret service agent nuthead who picks his associates wisely... nice character...
kudos to him...

Monday, December 8, 2008


last nite, one of my frends and fellow fuze project member was involved in an accident.
fortunately, he's ok and alia(gf dia) too. tapi kereta barai abes la
damn cina mabuk...pergi hentam blakang dia. kereta dia boleh consider as a total loss ..
depan blakang hancur..
depan hancur sebab cium unser.

cina mabuk : "soli2 , bikin lu susah"

Sunday, December 7, 2008



nice movie to watch ..
but not so nice if ur watching it at the 3rd row from the screen ..
u can literally hear other people's neck breaking.

i recommend u all to watch this movie.but better buy DVD .. kongasam ada cut scene..
sedar2 da tercampak.
kudos from me.

takde keje♦

some pics during my melaka holiday trip with friends..nothing much ... bosan2 ...
so post la something for the blog..

it was a fun trip .
would do it again if had the chance

sorry for the sketchy photo edits..
im no pro .
hehehe ...bak kata orang...newbie..
so bear with me people.

liverpool menang la wei

hari ni liverpool menang lawan blackburn 3-1...

frustrating first half ...with either sides not scoring.

masuk second half... badabum!

4 bijik masuk...

so liverpool still top of the league..

nice performance by dirk kuyt... involved in the first two goals for liverpool ..

hahaha ..!

torres cepat2 la fit ...
asik injured je ..
menyirap plak aku .

Saturday, December 6, 2008


boring tol kalau bosan ni...
bila bosan duk umah ..nak keluar ..
bila keluar letih ... nak balik umah...pastu tak leh tido..
bila online...4-5 jam...
pastu kol 3 4 pagi tido ..
pastu ...kelas 8.30am ..
pastu ...lebur.
tak lebur, belur dalam kelas..
haih ..


Hello ..
welcome to my blog..
nothing much ..
coz its still new..
hehe ..

wait n c wat comes up!